Need a bit of help to stop smoking this Stoptober 2020?
Stoptober 2020 is upon us and thousands of people all over the country are thinking of quitting cigarettes. Stopping smoking can be a daunting task. As previous smokers we know how difficult it can be to make the decision to quit, but you don’t have to go cold turkey, there are lots of stop smoking aids out there to help you so you can be smoke free in no time.
Stop smoking aids
From patches or gum to Varenicline (Champix) or Bupropion (Zyban) tablets there are countless ways to give you that nicotine kick without all the nasty tar and chemicals that cigarettes provide. However, few people realise that the NHS champions e-cigarettes as one of the best aids to help quitting. Read their guide to switching from smoking to e-cigarettes here.
The NHS Smokefree website states “Many thousands of people in the UK have already stopped smoking with the help of an e-cigarette, and there is growing evidence that they can be effective. A major UK clinical trial found that, when combined with expert face-to-face support, people who used e-cigarettes to quit smoking were twice as likely to succeed as people who used other nicotine replacement products such as patches or gum.
Using an e-cigarette can help you manage your nicotine cravings. To get the best out of it, make sure you're using it as much as you need to and with the right strength of nicotine in your e-liquid. You won't get the full benefit from vaping unless you stop smoking cigarettes completely. You can get advice from a specialist vape shop or your local stop smoking service.”
Health benefits of vaping
Two of the most harmful elements in tobacco smoke, tar and carbon monoxide, are NOT present in e-liquids and, whilst not completely risk free, Public Health England have discovered e-cigarettes are at least 95% less harmful to your health than smoking Isn’t that great news? You no longer have to go without feeling the rush of nicotine you get from smoking whilst vastly improving your health.
Just Juice Superior E-liquids backs Stoptober
Here at Just Juice we take health seriously. After being smokers for many years we too struggled with making the switch to e-cigarettes with so many low quality products out there. This is when we decided to only produce the best e-liquids giving you that satisfaction you get with smoking to make it easier to quit for good. We always keep up to date with the latest regulations, and safety advice.
We are huge advocates for Stoptober with research showing that if you stop smoking for 28 days you are 5 times more likely to quit for good. So our challenge to you is ditch the cigarettes, make the switch to e-cigarettes by taking our quiz below and keep us updated on how you feel and the difference it has made to your health.
How to make the switch to e-cigarettes this Stoptober
The world of vaping and e-cigarettes can be a bit confusing when you’re new to it all. We are here to help you find what would be the best match for your smoking needs. Take our quiz, tell us how many cigarettes you currently smoke and we will match you up with the perfect blend and strength of e-liquids and advice on which vaping device you will need to get you started. For Stoptober only, we have a special Nic Salt and Voopoo Argus Air Switch Kit for only £45.99 and includes our core range of 7 Nic Salts
We also have a website full of advice. Check out our New to Vaping section which should give you all the information you need and if not, get in touch, Email us at or call us on 01772 611955, we are always on hand to help you along the way.